Happy Thanksgiving, my lovelies!!!!! I hope all of you gained at least ten pounds today. I know I did.
Anyway....to make up for the fact that I am an awful and inconsistent blogger, I decided to write a post. (deep breath) Here goes!
So, we are off from school all this week and I took the opportunity to spend some time with some awesome friends :) My very good friend, Andrew, and his lovely mother invited me and my friend Rickey over for a very late birthday gathering at his house yesterday. (YES I AM EIGHTEEN NOW!!!!) We spent the whole night sitting in his front yard. Well, Andrew and I sat and watched as Jacob stripped off his shirt and was promptly chased around the yard by Rickey.
What can I say...my friends are strange. But I love them. :)
Alsoooooo, update! I am officially trying out for Try University's colorguard in the spring (!!!!!!!!!) and I am currently in the midst of trying to make up my try-out routine. I think I have finally decided on a song, at least...It's called 'Stay" by Jesse Thomas. And ALL OF YOU should Youtube it and let me know what you think.
Or, Why People Should Listen To Me More Often, But They Don't Because Sometimes I Come Off As Kind of a Weirdo.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
What?!!? Myra's Still Alive?!?
Fear not, fair blog followers!!!! I am still here! ........
Ok,ok.... so I'm a crappy blogger. Sorry. :/ BUT, in my defense, I have been RIDICULOUSLY busy the past couple weeks. I've barely had time to eat or sleep, let alone leisurely wander over to my computer all "ho hum, I'm so desperately bored, I do believe I shall post on my blog."
Anyway, let me fill you in on some of the things that have been going on in the wonderful world of Myra Boulware.
First of all....SENIOR PICS!!! Taken by the lovely and talented Jennie Smithson.

She is quite talented, as you can see. :)
I would love to say that my life has been drama-free lately. But sadly, that is not the case. I do not feel like sharing with you all of my problems (mostly because I would be up for like seven hours typing all of them) but you will be glad to know that most of them have been resolved, with the exception of one or two. I would just like to leave it at this...It is really sad when it's not the child who causes the drama, but the parent. Just sayin.
Like I said, I've been extremely busy (aka I'VE BEEN STRESSED TO THE EXTREME) with senior things. This past Sunday was, "Myra Applies to Possible Future Colleges Day". So hopefully the next time I write, I'll be able to say I've been accepted somewhere. I think my ACT score of 28 might be helpful....we'll have to wait and see. :)
Oh! I almost forgot. Among all the stressful and dramatic things in my life, there is one positive aspect that I am quite excited about!!!
I recently was given a new kitten by my parents and she is adorable. I shall show you her picture!

Anyway, that's all for now...it's late and honestly I am quite tired. So hopefully I will be able to catch up with you people more often when marching season is over this Saturday.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ok, so guess what??
I hate band right now.
Really, I do.
And please know that, coming from me, this is a HUGE thing to say. Because band is, like, my LIFE. But honestly, I can't enjoy it when the colorguard is THIS awful.
That's right. AWFUL.
I just don't understand. The routines this year are not hard. We have been practicing for WEEKS. The captains have tried yelling, pleading, crying, screaming, and bribing us with promises of going inside. But some of these girls just DON'T CARE. And THAT, my friends, pisses me off. REALLY BAD.
Especially because band means so much to me. When someone doesn't care about it, it is like a slap in the face for me. And I just want to shake them and be like, "If you don't care, WHY ARE YOU HERE!?? WHY would you pay MONEY to do something if you're not going to put your all into it?"
Honestly, I just want to quit sometimes. Because I would rather not be a part of it at all than go out and embarrass not only myself but the WHOLE BAND by performing with these girls. I am so angry it's slightly ridiculous. I don't think they understand how serious this is.
I CAN'T get twos my senior marching season! I will KILL someone. possibly myself as well.
But forreal, I need some advice on what to do here. HELP!
I hate band right now.
Really, I do.
And please know that, coming from me, this is a HUGE thing to say. Because band is, like, my LIFE. But honestly, I can't enjoy it when the colorguard is THIS awful.
That's right. AWFUL.
I just don't understand. The routines this year are not hard. We have been practicing for WEEKS. The captains have tried yelling, pleading, crying, screaming, and bribing us with promises of going inside. But some of these girls just DON'T CARE. And THAT, my friends, pisses me off. REALLY BAD.
Especially because band means so much to me. When someone doesn't care about it, it is like a slap in the face for me. And I just want to shake them and be like, "If you don't care, WHY ARE YOU HERE!?? WHY would you pay MONEY to do something if you're not going to put your all into it?"
Honestly, I just want to quit sometimes. Because I would rather not be a part of it at all than go out and embarrass not only myself but the WHOLE BAND by performing with these girls. I am so angry it's slightly ridiculous. I don't think they understand how serious this is.
I CAN'T get twos my senior marching season! I will KILL someone. possibly myself as well.
But forreal, I need some advice on what to do here. HELP!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The Things I Think About at 1:30 AM
Ok so I know the LAST thing you probably want to hear right now is another whiny "poor me" post. But if I cant be a whiner here, where can I?
I just keep marveling at how fast time has gone by.
"We do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is merely a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes in the wind." --James 4:14
See?? Even God says our lives are ridiculously short. I hate it! I hate that my life is going by so fast. I feel like I closed my eyes to blink in like the second grade and when I opened them again I was halfway done with my Junior year.
I think one of the biggest ironies about time in general is that when we want time to go by as fast as possible (say, during a long car ride or maybe while you're in a class at school that you really REALLY hate- cough*CALCULUS*cough*) it trickles by like molasses in long, dragging lulls. And when you want time to slow down, so that you can take the little moments of happiness in your life and cherish them for as long as possible, time snaps you forward brutally whether you like it or not. It's just awful. It's like life is one big 'GOTCHA!!!' All the little cliches, they're true!
You really DON'T know what you have until it's gone.
Time DOES fly, sometimes even when you're NOT having fun.
There's no place like home....
And life IS like a box of chocolates- and death is like an allergy to peanuts that you don't even know you have until you find that ONE freakin chocolate with the peanut in it.
Yes yes, I have decided now that our lives are one huge joke. I just wish I knew the punchline.
I just keep marveling at how fast time has gone by.
"We do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is merely a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes in the wind." --James 4:14
See?? Even God says our lives are ridiculously short. I hate it! I hate that my life is going by so fast. I feel like I closed my eyes to blink in like the second grade and when I opened them again I was halfway done with my Junior year.
I think one of the biggest ironies about time in general is that when we want time to go by as fast as possible (say, during a long car ride or maybe while you're in a class at school that you really REALLY hate- cough*CALCULUS*cough*) it trickles by like molasses in long, dragging lulls. And when you want time to slow down, so that you can take the little moments of happiness in your life and cherish them for as long as possible, time snaps you forward brutally whether you like it or not. It's just awful. It's like life is one big 'GOTCHA!!!' All the little cliches, they're true!
You really DON'T know what you have until it's gone.
Time DOES fly, sometimes even when you're NOT having fun.
There's no place like home....
And life IS like a box of chocolates- and death is like an allergy to peanuts that you don't even know you have until you find that ONE freakin chocolate with the peanut in it.
Yes yes, I have decided now that our lives are one huge joke. I just wish I knew the punchline.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Oh, Bandcamp. How I love thee. :D
I was sitting at home today thinking, "Man. I wish I was all fit and healthy. I know somewhere under all the fat is a toned BEAST just waiting to come out." And JUST as I was wishing I had a companion to get fit with, My best friend AUBREE updated her facebook status asking if anyone wanted to go walking this evening with her. And I was like, ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!!
So after a lovely afternoon of going to Wal-Mart and buying new bandcamp clothes for next week (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!) I drove right over to Aubree's house.
Now, before I tell you about our walk, I should tell you about Aubree. First of all, THIS is a picture of Aubree and I at the last game of the season Junior year.

She's adorable, yes? Yes. Although I believe I had just gotten done crying in this picture due to the fact it was the last game for all the seniors.
Moving on.
Aubree and I were friends from first grade to eighth grade. Freshman year we spent two whole semesters hating each other due to a childish fight that we laugh about now once in a while. But sophomore year we got over it and became bff again :) Yaaayyyyy happy endings. Anyway, last year we had anatomy together. Which was FANTASTIC, because both of us are extremely immature and therefore found pretty much everything in that class hilarious. Our anatomy teacher eventually got so fed up she moved us to opposite ends of the classroom so we wouldn't talk through the class.
Which didn't do her any good whatsoever, because all she succeeded in doing was making us YELL across the room so we could communicate instead of just talking. So she moved us back after like three days.
Aubree is also an essential part of my band experience. It is said in the Maroon Machine Marching Band that you are NOT actually a band member until you have been yelled at by Aubree and hit on by one of the Webber boys, who play bass drum and tuba. Aubree takes band very seriously, especially now that she is a senior. I said to her one time,
and she said back,
See why I love her?
So I went to Aubree's house so we could walk. And I thought that maybe we would walk around the little path at the elementary school. or maybe around the football field.
No, sir.
Aubree decided we were going to walk from the bandroom, down to the middle school. around the block to the gas station, up main street to the main part of Eclectic, down the road to the church, past the church to Panther Palace, back to the highschool's practice field, around the field, past the fieldhouse, and back to the bandroom.
Oh yes. I wanted to kill her.
It's TOO FAR for someone as out of shape as I am. My legs hurt. I hope Aubree feels bad. VERY bad.
.......Ouch. :(

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Nothing Gold Can Stay
You know what sucks?
Time. Time SUCKS. It really, honestly does.
Flashback to first grade...
I was sitting on the floor with my friend Ford. We were arranging pictures of different objects into the categories of solids, liquids, and gases. After we had gotten done laughing about the word 'gas' (its all very funny when you're six years old) we kinda looked at each other. And I guess we had what you could call a tiny little six-year-old epiphany. He sighed and said, "I can't believe we have twelve more years of this. It's TEN MORE YEARS till we can even drive!" And I said "Yea, I know...people say it goes by really fast, but...I dont think it will...do you?" We gave each other a look, and burst out laughing. "Nah," he said. "We're gonna be in elementary school FOREVER."
And now, Ford and I are both seniors in high school.
When did I get so old? I mean, really. Right at this moment I am wearing a class ring and my senior shirt. My SENIOR SHIRT. Because I am a SENIOR.
A SENIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally cannot handle this.
The worst part of my sad little existence lately has been the loss of the recently graduated senior class of 2010. I seem to be going through withdrawals where they are concerned. Last year was my first year in marching band, and the seniors are what made the experience what it was. All my best memories, marching onto the field for my first competition, standing out of breath in our final pose after my first performance at my first game, winning best in class colorguard and most entertaining band three times in a row...completely embedded in those memories are all the seniors. I love them all so much. And now none of them are going to be there for me!!! They all went to college and left me behind in high school. I am just so afraid that we upcoming seniors won't be able to fill those shoes. I mean last year at competition there was barely an award we didn't win. How are we supposed to follow that? Those are enormous shoes to fill.
Anyway, lately it seems that the world at large has decided it is going to give me little reminders of this everywhere I go, just to see how sad it can make me before I go completely off my rocker. Every time I turn on the radio I hear songs like "Party Like a Rockstar", or "So What" (stand songs that we play at football games.) At the colorguard slumber party last night they showed a video of our last competition and I bawled like a friggin baby.
See???? Everyone's out to get me! That Journey song is like the band anthem!!!
I think I need a hug.
Time. Time SUCKS. It really, honestly does.
Flashback to first grade...
I was sitting on the floor with my friend Ford. We were arranging pictures of different objects into the categories of solids, liquids, and gases. After we had gotten done laughing about the word 'gas' (its all very funny when you're six years old) we kinda looked at each other. And I guess we had what you could call a tiny little six-year-old epiphany. He sighed and said, "I can't believe we have twelve more years of this. It's TEN MORE YEARS till we can even drive!" And I said "Yea, I know...people say it goes by really fast, but...I dont think it will...do you?" We gave each other a look, and burst out laughing. "Nah," he said. "We're gonna be in elementary school FOREVER."
And now, Ford and I are both seniors in high school.
When did I get so old? I mean, really. Right at this moment I am wearing a class ring and my senior shirt. My SENIOR SHIRT. Because I am a SENIOR.
A SENIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally cannot handle this.
The worst part of my sad little existence lately has been the loss of the recently graduated senior class of 2010. I seem to be going through withdrawals where they are concerned. Last year was my first year in marching band, and the seniors are what made the experience what it was. All my best memories, marching onto the field for my first competition, standing out of breath in our final pose after my first performance at my first game, winning best in class colorguard and most entertaining band three times in a row...completely embedded in those memories are all the seniors. I love them all so much. And now none of them are going to be there for me!!! They all went to college and left me behind in high school. I am just so afraid that we upcoming seniors won't be able to fill those shoes. I mean last year at competition there was barely an award we didn't win. How are we supposed to follow that? Those are enormous shoes to fill.
Anyway, lately it seems that the world at large has decided it is going to give me little reminders of this everywhere I go, just to see how sad it can make me before I go completely off my rocker. Every time I turn on the radio I hear songs like "Party Like a Rockstar", or "So What" (stand songs that we play at football games.) At the colorguard slumber party last night they showed a video of our last competition and I bawled like a friggin baby.
See???? Everyone's out to get me! That Journey song is like the band anthem!!!
I think I need a hug.
We Be Rollin.... ;)
Ok. SO.
Last night was out first official
Yes, yes. It was quite wonderful in every way. A band geek's dream come true- a whole night in the bandroom just chillin with your fellow bandmates.
...If we had STAYED there the whole night, that is.
Around four in the morning we found a random 24 pack of Angel Soft toilet paper sitting innocently in the percussion room. And of course once we had found it, we felt obligated to use it somehow.
This is how we saw it.
1. We had twenty four rolls of toilet paper.
2. We had cars with full tanks of gas.
3. We all happen to know EXACTLY where our band director, Mr.V, lives.
This is not hard to figure out.
After about thirty minutes of hard-core begging and pleading on our part, our colorguard sponsor finally gave in. At four am, we were officially on our way to roll Mr.V. Best night ever? I think so.
We got to his house and climbed out of the cars. We inspected his perfectly groomed lawn and his lovely tree. We looked at each other and decided it was too disgustingly perfect. This place NEEDED to be rolled. Ten minutes later, the place was absolutely trashed. And when I say trashed, I mean TRASHED. We did our job well.
Of course by then, we were all way too pumped up to go back to the bandroom. The logical solution? An impromptu trip to Wal-Mart, of course.
Picture this-
You're a tired Wal-Mart greeter. It's almost five in the morning and there's no one in the store. You sit by the automatic doors, eyelids drooping as you almost slip into slumber... and then....
Sixteen highschool girls and a dazed looking woman who looks like she's supposed to be in charge barge in, making the biggest racket you've ever heard in your life.
Within five minutes, I'm sure every tired worker in that store wanted to kill us.
Anyway, we decided we might as well do something productive whilst we were there. So we wasted almost a hundred dollars of our colorguard money on T-Shirts and fabric paint. Once we got back to the bandroom, we decided together that we were going to make shirts to wear on the first day of bandcamp next week, proclaiming our success in rolling our poor band director. (I almost feel sorry for him. He puts up with so much.) Now we all have lovely matching shirts that say
We are extremely proud of ourselves, to say the least.
Anyway, I had my first senior meeting today (Gosh, I'm a senior...I'm getting old, people!) And we planned out some of the stuff we're gonna do for senior prank week. During bandcamp, the seniors rule. And we prank. It's what we do. :)
Lets just say, Next week is going to be VERY interesting.
Last night was out first official
Yes, yes. It was quite wonderful in every way. A band geek's dream come true- a whole night in the bandroom just chillin with your fellow bandmates.
...If we had STAYED there the whole night, that is.
Around four in the morning we found a random 24 pack of Angel Soft toilet paper sitting innocently in the percussion room. And of course once we had found it, we felt obligated to use it somehow.
This is how we saw it.
1. We had twenty four rolls of toilet paper.
2. We had cars with full tanks of gas.
3. We all happen to know EXACTLY where our band director, Mr.V, lives.
This is not hard to figure out.
After about thirty minutes of hard-core begging and pleading on our part, our colorguard sponsor finally gave in. At four am, we were officially on our way to roll Mr.V. Best night ever? I think so.
We got to his house and climbed out of the cars. We inspected his perfectly groomed lawn and his lovely tree. We looked at each other and decided it was too disgustingly perfect. This place NEEDED to be rolled. Ten minutes later, the place was absolutely trashed. And when I say trashed, I mean TRASHED. We did our job well.
Of course by then, we were all way too pumped up to go back to the bandroom. The logical solution? An impromptu trip to Wal-Mart, of course.
Picture this-
You're a tired Wal-Mart greeter. It's almost five in the morning and there's no one in the store. You sit by the automatic doors, eyelids drooping as you almost slip into slumber... and then....
Sixteen highschool girls and a dazed looking woman who looks like she's supposed to be in charge barge in, making the biggest racket you've ever heard in your life.
Within five minutes, I'm sure every tired worker in that store wanted to kill us.
Anyway, we decided we might as well do something productive whilst we were there. So we wasted almost a hundred dollars of our colorguard money on T-Shirts and fabric paint. Once we got back to the bandroom, we decided together that we were going to make shirts to wear on the first day of bandcamp next week, proclaiming our success in rolling our poor band director. (I almost feel sorry for him. He puts up with so much.) Now we all have lovely matching shirts that say
We are extremely proud of ourselves, to say the least.
Anyway, I had my first senior meeting today (Gosh, I'm a senior...I'm getting old, people!) And we planned out some of the stuff we're gonna do for senior prank week. During bandcamp, the seniors rule. And we prank. It's what we do. :)
Lets just say, Next week is going to be VERY interesting.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A blog?? What???
Blogs are NOT my thing.
I'm not a blogger.
I mean really. The WORD blogger is just strange. Go ahead, say it in your head a few times. Blogger, blogger, blogger. Eeeew. It sounds like an explicative if you say it enough times.
Not the point.
What I'm trying to say is, this is a weird thing for me to do. And that's saying something, because the majority of my activities in life can be described as weird.
First and foremost, if you know me at all, you know that my first love in life is band. When I meet new people and their smile and shake my hand and tell me their name, I feel like saying, "Hi. I'm Stereotypical Band Geek. Nice to meet you."
I've only been in my school's marching band for a year but, really, they are my family. Sometimes more so than the people I'm actually related to. Because when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Whether you're a member if the colorguard (like me) or a majorette, or a pit member, or if you play some random instrument like the piccolo- once you're in band, you're in it for life.
I live in a wonderful town called The Middle of Nowhere, Alabama. Cows are our main landscape feature. Here, if you don't love football and green bean casserole, we shun you.
I'm not kidding.
I go to the local Methodist church here. I was born Catholic, raised Methodist, and attended a Baptist church for my early teens. I'm sort of a religious mutt. But the youth group I have now means everything to me and I love them dearly. I play the guitar and sing in our praise band there. Our praise band leader's name is Rhett Butler. Yes, that is his REAL name. His mom swears she did it on accident but I think she's lying.
At the moment I'm an upcoming senior at my school, with a very busy summer ahead of me. I hope you can handle all the things to come. :) Stay tuned.
I'm not a blogger.
I mean really. The WORD blogger is just strange. Go ahead, say it in your head a few times. Blogger, blogger, blogger. Eeeew. It sounds like an explicative if you say it enough times.
Not the point.
What I'm trying to say is, this is a weird thing for me to do. And that's saying something, because the majority of my activities in life can be described as weird.
First and foremost, if you know me at all, you know that my first love in life is band. When I meet new people and their smile and shake my hand and tell me their name, I feel like saying, "Hi. I'm Stereotypical Band Geek. Nice to meet you."
I've only been in my school's marching band for a year but, really, they are my family. Sometimes more so than the people I'm actually related to. Because when you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Whether you're a member if the colorguard (like me) or a majorette, or a pit member, or if you play some random instrument like the piccolo- once you're in band, you're in it for life.
I live in a wonderful town called The Middle of Nowhere, Alabama. Cows are our main landscape feature. Here, if you don't love football and green bean casserole, we shun you.
I'm not kidding.
I go to the local Methodist church here. I was born Catholic, raised Methodist, and attended a Baptist church for my early teens. I'm sort of a religious mutt. But the youth group I have now means everything to me and I love them dearly. I play the guitar and sing in our praise band there. Our praise band leader's name is Rhett Butler. Yes, that is his REAL name. His mom swears she did it on accident but I think she's lying.
At the moment I'm an upcoming senior at my school, with a very busy summer ahead of me. I hope you can handle all the things to come. :) Stay tuned.
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