Monday, August 8, 2011

525,600 Minutes.


The number of hours in a non-leap year.


The average number of hours spent a year sleeping.


The amount of hours a year the average person spends each year on the internet. JUST occurred to me how much we waste time in our lives. Seriously, you guys. Think about it for a minute. How many hours a day do you think you spend texting? Or talking on the phone? Or laying around watching T.V? I know I spend more time doing those things than I should.

I know, I know. I can hear all of you now.

"Myra, shutup. Stop telling me how to live my life and share a funny anecdote with us. This type of post isn't your style. So get back to the jokes and funnyness, please. You're downing me here."

But I'm SERIOUS here. It just blows my mind how much time we waste. And it may seem all fun and junk now, but think about when you're old and your children (or even your grandchildren) ask you about what you were like in your youth, and what you spent your time doing. Is this really what you want to say to them?

"Um, well. I texted a lot. You would be proud of your ol' grandma. She was the fastest texter in three counties. And I can pretty much recite every episode of Degrassi EVER. And, uh, I was really good at, like, Facebook games and stuff. I had more achievements than all of my friends on YoVille. So yeah. I was pretty beast."

What grandkid is going to run to his or her little friends and brag about THAT??? I know I wouldn't.

I'm just saying, we should all be doing more productive things with our lives....not to get all serious on you guys, but our lives are precious gifts. And they're not meant to be wasted indoors watching tv, or staring at a computer screen. (She says as she writes in her blog.....hahaha. Irony at its best.)

So go out and DO something!! For goodness' sake, life is SHORT. I feel like I closed my eyes to blink in the third grade and when I opened them up again I was halfway done with Junior year. It's insane.

It goes by faster than we think. Give people a reason to remember your name when you're gone.

Anyway guys, I'm gonna go. Mostly because I'll feel like a total hypocrite if I sit at this computer any longer after berating YOU people for doing it.

Peace. :)


  1. Well I don't know about other future gramma's , but this future one right HERE was Drum Major, and an awesome person in her youth. How many of you fellow future gramma's can say THAT? Not many. BOOM!

  2. THIS future Grandma was a part of the LEGENDARY Maroon Machine and was in a number of fabulous clubs AND has many insane adventures with crazy friends to share with future grandkids :)
