Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Very Myra Musical

So, I've been watching an indecent amount of Glee lately. Also, I've been repeatedly watching A Very Potter Musical. And I cannot even begin to express to you how ardently I wish my life was more like a musical. I mean, come ON. How much more exciting would an average day be if everyone busted out in random choreographed dance routines with vocals to match??? Even eating breakfast would be fun. I can just see it.

SCENE. 6:00 AM, Boulware household kitchen. MYRA enters from door adjoining to the dining room. Starts frying an egg. DAD walks in from the LEFT.

DAD- What are you doing up this early?? It's summer!!
MYRA- I'm cooking an egg. I'm HUNGRY. It happens sometimes.
DAD- Well make me one too.

MYRA looks through the refrigerator, and pulls out an empty egg carton.

MYRA- Oops. Looks like we're out. Sorry. (throws away egg carton.)
DAD- (Looks out to crowd. Even though there isn't one. But whatever. This is MY dream sequence. Go with it, people.)

Music rather akin to that of "Forget You" By Cee-Lo Green swells in the background.

DAD- (Jumps on kitchen counter- narrowly avoiding being smacked in the head by our low-hanging ceiling fan...) "I see you frying that egg and I want one toooooo, I'm mad at youuuuu!!!!"

MYRA- "I guess the change in your pocket just wasn't enough, to buy a carton that's neeeeewwwwww!!!"

DAD- "Now if I was richer, I'd be eating eggs with ya, ain't that a shame?"

MYRA-"Although there's pain in your tummy, and I'm sorry bout that honey, but YOU'RE to blameeeeee!!!!"

And then I would do a bunch of extremely complicated spinning maneuvers with the spatula- a tribute to my rifle-spinning-skills from colorguard- and the whole number would end with a cereal explosion. And jazz hands. Because those are clearly very important in any musical number.


My life is boring......

If only my dad would sing to me about eggs during breakfast. It would just start my day off on the right note. Are there even any songs about eggs? If there are, someone should learn one and show up to my house and sing it to me one morning. Especially if it's a cute guy. If a man sang me an egg song, I would fall in love with him. Because cute guys, singing, and eggs are three of my favorite things.

Anyway....I'm off to try to make something exciting out of today. Because I am currently bored to tears, if you hadn't already deduced that yourselves. Which should have been totally obvious, if you didn't....I'm making up songs about breakfast, for crying out loud.

......I need a new hobby.

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